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    • Lifespan: Why We Age-and Why We Don't Have To
    • David A. Sinclair PhD, Matthew D. LaPlante
    • Page: 432
    • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
    • ISBN: 9781501191978
    • Publisher: Atria Books

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    Watch: Why Do We Age And How Can We Stop It? - ScienceAlert We need to be more like clams. Although humans have been able to triple our lifespan since the bronze ages, these primitive creatures are still outliving us. They don't deteriorate with age in the same way we do, and this  New tricks from old dogs join the fight against ageing - Nature “We all accept that dogs age about seven times faster than people do,” says DNA studies have identified genes that affect ageing and longevity in a . because we don't know if that is possible in humans, and many people  Explaining Ageing and Why We Age | Particle In order to understand the effects of ageing, we have to figure out why we age. approaches or new drugs with the hope of beating the clock on our lifespan. . don't consider ageing a disease, which makes it harder to get  Internal 'clock' makes some people age faster and die younger “We've shown some people have a faster innate ageing rate. treatments that could arrest the ageing process and extend the human lifespan. There's no limit to longevity, says study that revives human lifespan “If we can get data of this quality for other countries, I expect we're the process of ageing — I don't think we have any idea,” Hekimi says. Understanding Life Expectancy - Verywell Health Deaths at young ages impact life expectancy averages much more than older Each year you live means that you have survived all sorts of  David Sinclair Is Extending Human Lifespan | Rich Roll David Sinclair On Extending Human Lifespan & The Science Behind We Age — and Why We Don't Have To* which hits bookstores on Sept. Lifespan: The Revolutionary Science of Why We Age - Amazon UK Buy Lifespan: The Revolutionary Science of Why We Age - and Why We Don't Have To by Dr David Sinclair (ISBN: 9780008292348) from Amazon's Book Store .

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    Descargas completas de libros electrónicos EL NOI DEL PIJAMA DE RATLLES de JOHN BOYNE 9788415954392 (Literatura española) PDF




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    • Número de páginas: 270
    • Idioma: CATALÁN
    • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
    • ISBN: 9788415954392
    • Editorial: EDUCAULA
    • Año de edición: 2017



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    "Una petita joia", The Guardian

    Berlín 1942. La guerra no afecta gaire la vida de Bruno, un noi de nou anys que viu en un barri residencial. Però un bon dia arriba a casa i es troba totes les coses empaquetades: el seu pare, membre de l'elit militar, ha rebut un nou destí i es veu obligat a marxar i instal·lar-se amb tota la família en una àrea rural mig deserta i molt depriment. Bruno s'avorreix i passa els dies obsessionat amb una tanca que s'alça davant la finestra de la seva habitació. Fins que no coneix Schmuel, el noi del pijama de ratlles, que viu a l'altra banda del filferro espinós, Bruno ni tan sol no comprèn que ja no és a Alemanya sinó a Polònia. Tampoc no és conscient del que passa a la vida de Schmuel fins que és massa tard per escapar els horrors que es viuen a l'altre costat de la tanca. L'honestedat narrativa, la congruència dels personatges i la progressió magistral de la trama, doten aquesta novel·la d'una qualitat literària molt humana i d'una força narrativa captivadora.



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    • Número de páginas: 280
    • Idioma: CASTELLANO
    • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
    • ISBN: 9788491814283
    • Editorial: ALIANZA EDITORIAL
    • Año de edición: 2019



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    «La escritura de Gay no tiene precedentes».Forbes



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    Dos hermanas, ya adultas, han sido uña y carne desde que las secuestraron siendo unas niñas, y deben negociar el matrimonio de la hermana más joven. Una mujer casada con un hombre que tiene un gemelo finge no darse cuenta cuando marido y hermano se intercambian los roles. Una estríper que consigue sacarse el título de bachillerato repele las insinuaciones de un cliente ultraceloso. Una ingeniera negra se traslada por trabajo a la península superior de Michigan y se enfrenta a la curiosidad maliciosa de sus colegas y a la dificultad de dejar atrás su pasado.

    Bien sea en un club de lucha de chicas, bien en un opulento complejo urbanístico de Florida, con vecinos que se amoldan, compiten y espían entre sí, Gay ofrece al lector una visión sardónica, hermosa e inquietante ...



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    • Idioma: INGLÉS
    • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
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    • Año de edición: 2016



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    Manor Hall is an old dark house with a mystery. Nobody can go into the music room. But one night Tom and Milly hear something. The noise is coming from the music room. Tom and Milly open the door. Someone in the music room is singing. Tom and Milly are afraid, but they can't move. Can Tom and Milly discover the mystery of Manor Hall?


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